Rockpile Reflection

Throughout reading the Rock pile there are many lessons that can be taken from it. Roy was the disobedient child that did not want to listen to his older brother. The rockpile was a forbidden place that their mom told them not to go to. John told Roy not to go to the rockpile but Roy did not listen and he went anyways. See here one lesson never disobey someone because a fight broke out at the rockpile and Roy ends up getting hurt. This would have never happened if he would have just listened to his older brother.

  Everyone was in a panic when they seen that Roy had been hurt. Roy was truly the blame for himself getting hurt but since John is the oldest he got in trouble. But once Gabriel got home from work he went over board just blaming John for everything. His mother was not going for that though because it was not right just because John is not Gabriel biological child does not mean he can treat him any other way. You never mistreat someone just because they are not your child or whatever the case maybe.


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